Dr. Ashish Khanna speaks with Dr. Jorge Salluh, Intensivist and Researcher, critical care dept D’or Institute for research and education and Professor, Postgrad program, Federal university, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Jorge wears many hats that cross the space of big data analytics, AI and ML, this includes being a Co-founder of Epimed, Board member of BRICNet (brazilian research in intensive care network) and LOGIC (Linking of Global Intensive Care). These organizations have done tremendous work in making open source ICU level data from Brazil and other parts of the world linked together on a common platform.
Dr.Salluh and indeed all of us are looking for collaborators who want to utilize these resources!
Please see links below:
LOGIC – www.icubenchmarking.com [icubenchmarking.com]
Bricnet – www.bricnet.org [bricnet.org]
Brazilian ICUs registry- www.utisbrasileiras.com/en [utisbrasileiras.com]
Epimed- https://www.epimedsolutions.com/en/ [epimedsolutions.com]
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jsalluh/ [linkedin.com]
Twitter: @jsalluh