Tavpritesh Sethi
Dr. Tavpritesh Sethi is a physician-scientist and Associate Professor of Computational Biology at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT)Delhi, India and a fellow of the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.He has been a visiting faculty member at Stanford University, School of Medicine from February 2017 to January 2019.
Rintu Kutum
Postdoctoral Researcher & Study Coordinator, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology(IIIT), Delhi, India.
Aditya Nagori
Postdoctoral Researcher, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology(IIIT),Delhi,India.
Program details:
• Building AI for Pandemic Response: Tavpritesh Sethi MBBS,PhD
• Leveraging diverse datasets for pandemic preparedness: the role of interoperability. Rintu Kutum, PhD
•Insights on developing predictive models that can generalize. Aditya Nagori,PhD.
• Q&A & Networking