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BrainX Community Live! June 2021: Serendipity in the Art of Healthcare Innovation

Featuring Francis A. Papay MD

29 June, 2021

Watch the video of this event on our YouTube channel.


Francis A. Papay


Dr. Papay is a biomedical engineer and surgeon, double boarded in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery in addition to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery with subspecialty fellowship training in skull base and craniofacial surgery.

Piyush Mathur


Dr.Mathur is a Staff Anesthesiologist and Critical Care physician at Cleveland Clinic,Ohio with more than 20 years of clinician experience. He has also served in the role of the Quality Improvement Officer and chair, compliance committee, Anesthesiology Institute for the past 9 years.

Kamal Maheshwari


Dr.Maheshwari specializes in liver transplantation & acute pain management at Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at CCLCM. He graduated in Medicine from University of Delhi, India and later completed MPH program at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with specialization in health policy and management & received a certificate in Quality Patient Safety and Outcomes Research.

Jacek Cywinski


Dr.Cywinski earned his medical degree at the Wroclaw Medical University, Poland. He completed his anesthesia residency and cardiothoracic anesthesia fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and was appointed a faculty member at the Department of General Anesthesiology upon graduation. He is currently the Quality Improvement Officer for the Department of General Anesthesiology at the Cleveland Clinic.

On June 29, 2021, we celebrated our three year anniversary. BrainX community Live event featured Dr. Francis A. Papay’s presentation titled, “Serendipity in the Art of Healthcare Innovation”.This was followed by a panel discussion with BrainX Community Founders. Piyush Mathur MD, Francis A. Papay MD, Kamal Maheshwari MD, Jacek Cywinski MD, Ashish Khanna MD