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BrainX Community Live! March 2022: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: 2021 Year in Review

We discuss our recently published review of over 4000+ articles from 2021 related to artificial intelligence in healthcare.

16 March, 2022

Watch the video of this event on our YouTube channel.


Piyush Mathur


Piyush Mathur MD,FCCM is a Staff Anesthesiologist and Critical Care physician at Cleveland Clinic,Ohio with more than 20 years of clinician experience. He has also served in the role of the Quality Improvement Officer and chair, compliance committee, Anesthesiology Institute since 2011. Trained in computer programming, machine learning and deep learning, he is the founder of BrainX, an AI in healthcare application research and development company.He also founded, one of the largest groups for machine learning in healthcare, BrainX Community.

We discuss our recently published review of over 4000+ articles from 2021 related to artificial intelligence in healthcare. A BrainX Community exclusive, annual publication which has trends, specialist editorials and categorized references readily available to provide insights into related 2021 publications.


Mathur P, Mishra S, Awasthi R, Cywinski J, et al. (2022). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: 2021 Year in Review. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25350.24645/1