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August 2019: Operationalizing artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in healthcare

Featuring Steve Roesing, CEO, ASMGi

01 August, 2019


Steve Roesing, CEO, ASMGi, presented valuable insights on operationalizing artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in healthcare using, “Practical Innovation”.

While many of us worry about the accuracy of our machine learning models or clinical application,one of the biggest challenges is having a strategy to deploy and sustain a machine learning model in an active health care environment.According to the current research around 85% of the machine learning models are never used in healthcare.

He shared his strategy of Practical Innovation and the “crawl-walk-run” model for implmentation of these machine learning models.The “crawl” phase is focused on answering the basic questions at a small scale whether the model is possible and of good quality.During the ,”walk” phase, it’s tested as a pilot and during the “run” phase the model is deployed into the active healthcare IT environment with active support.

For all involved in developing commercial level sustainable and scalable models it is important to engage teams from healthcare IT to build a strategy for deployment from the very beginning to avoid failures.