Dr. Jacek B. Cywinski
Dr. Jacek B. Cywinski was born in Poland where he earned a medical degree at the University of Wroclaw, School of Medicine. He completed anesthesia residency and cardiothoracic anesthesia fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and has been appointed as a faculty at the Department of General Anesthesiology after graduation.
Dr. Ghaith Habboub
Dr.Habboub is a neuro-surgery resident in last year of training who has interest in general neurosurgery, spine, and skull base.
Dr. Jacek B. Cywinski,discussed use of AI for clinical variation management to improve quality and patient safety.
Dr. Jacek B. Cywinski was born in Poland where he earned a medical degree at the University of Wroclaw, School of Medicine. He completed anesthesia residency and cardiothoracic anesthesia fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic and has been appointed as a faculty at the Department of General Anesthesiology after graduation. Currently he is the quality improvement officer for the Department of General Anesthesiology at the Cleveland Clinic.
Dr. Ghaith Habboub,provided a primer on Reinforcement Learning and its application in healthcare.
Reference article:Mnih, V., Kavukcuoglu, K., Silver, D. et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning.Nature 518, 529–533 (2015).
Dr.Habboub is a neuro-surgery resident in last year of training who has interest in general neurosurgery, spine, and skull base.